Liturgical Ministries

Serving to support Mass and other liturgical celebrations is an important way for all Catholics to fulfill the baptismal call to service!  Please consider assisting in any of the following liturgical ministries.

Are you a part of a ministry that’s not on this list?  Please let us know!

Altar Servers
Altar Servers offer service to God and the community by assisting the priest during Mass. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided throughout the year. Servers are assigned on a rotating schedule. For more information contact  the parish office.

Church Decorating
This team works behind the scenes to transform our worship space for the liturgical seasons. We need artists, decorators, and other interested people to plan and to work on various projects. For more information contact  the parish office.

Eucharistic Ministers
This liturgical ministry is responsible for distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at the weekend Masses and other times Mass is celebrated. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided throughout the year. Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are assigned on a rotating schedule, based on their Mass time of choice. For more information contact  the parish office.

Funeral Meals
Meals are provided to friends and family of deceased parishoners following funeral services. To assist in preparing and serving funeral meals, contact  the parish office.

Greeters welcome people attending Mass,  hand out bulletins before Mass, secure offertory gift bearers, and tidy up the pews after Mass.   For more information contact the parish office.

Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord during the Liturgy. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided throughout the year. Lectors are assigned on a rotating schedule. For more information contact the parish office.

Linen Ministry
These ministers clean and press the altar linens and purificators used each week in our liturgies. This is another invisible, yet essential ministry. The cloths used at the altar in the Eucharistic celebration are to be treated with the care and respect due to those items being used in the preparation and celebration of the sacred mysteries. Accordingly, guidelines are provided for their cleaning. For more information contact  the parish office.

Music Ministry
The Music Ministry provides music for all of our weekend liturgies as well as Holy Days, Weddings, Funerals and other special occasions. For more information contact the parish office.

Sacristans work behind the scenes. They prepare the worship spaces for the celebration of the sacraments each week by performing a variety of essential functions. For more information contact the parish office.

Ushers handle collections during Mass and assist Mass attendees with seating. For more information contact the parish office.